As the end of the year approaches, I – like many of you – find myself in that push/pull head space caused by simultaneous reflection on the past and planning for the future. (This “my head is about to explode” frame of mind is my excuse for my month long absence from my blog, by the way. Just go with it, okay?) It’s a delicate balancing act, giving yourself ample time to absorb the lessons of the past year while finding ways to apply them to the year ahead.

I’m a planner by nature. I make plans and generally stick to them. For me, 2009 was a giant lesson in “flexible planning.” I was forced to live with – and embrace – more uncertainty than I’ve ever encountered in my life (how very Buddhist of me, huh?). I had less of a plan for my year and more of a loosy-goosy vision.  I wanted to live on my own terms, be my own boss as it were.  I wanted to teach Pilates, and I sort of thought building my own marketing business to go along with it might be good since marketing was something else I’m pretty good at.  That’s it.  That’s all I knew.  I had no idea how to make it happen or if it was even possible.  Many people told me it wasn’t, that I would lose credibility in both areas of expertise by “splitting my focus.”  Truth be told, I didn’t even believe it was possible most of the time.  But here I am, on December 30, 2009, teaching Pilates at an amazing and well-respected studio AND seeing the beginnings of a sustainable marketing business with me at the helm.

I don’t do visions…or I didn’t until now.  Because here’s the single biggest lesson of my 2009:


It doesn’t have to be a SMART vision (for those of you who’ve been spared the corporate acronym, SMART stands for Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Timed and is often used in setting both personal and professional goals).  It can be a vague feeling or image for your life.  You don’t even have to 100% believe that it’s possible.  ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS PUT IT OUT INTO THE UNIVERSE WITH GUSTO.  The rest – the planning (yeah, it does eventually have to happen, sorry), the how, the just-get-it-done moments of action – will come.

And no, I’ve never read The Secret.  I understand from people who have that this whole “putting it out into the universe” bunk is the premise.  I’ve never read it because I thought it was, well, bunk.  I stand corrected, okay?

Thanks for reading my blog this year.  I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it.  I hope it’s been at least entertaining and, in some cases, helpful.  No idea where 2010 will take it, but I hope to hear from you and wish you a successful and balanced 2010 filled with exciting visions for your future.  Cheers!