Someone asked me this question (minus the *bleep*) back in September, when I started putting the word out about Dalch Wellness, my holistic health counseling business. Honestly, I was tongue-tied. How embarrassing is that, when someone shows genuine interest in your new business and you can’t even describe it clearly?! (The fact that I’m also an experienced marketer just added insult to injury.)

I’ve been thinking about the answer ever since. Here’s what I’ve come up with:

Wellness is…

  • the pursuit of happiness.
  • having the energy to fully engage with life (thanks to Dr. Mark Hyman for this little nugget of wisdom).
  • the search for balance.
  • wonderfully and precisely personal.

Food, exercise, relationships, community, spirituality, career are simply the tools we use to explore and reach for our own optimal state of well-being. And what is well-being…wellness…if not being present and engaged with life while feeling happy and balanced enough to deal with the inevitable curve balls?

So next time someone asks me “What is wellness anyway?,” I’ll have my answer. What does wellness mean to you?

Side note: I’d like to appreciate and thank the many people who stumbled upon my blog last week. It was so beyond cool to be featured on WordPress’s “Freshly Pressed” and have the chance to “meet” you all! While I haven’t been able to respond to all of your comments, I was fascinated by your stories and humbled by your praise – thank you. This blog continues to be an evolution, and your response to Are we really helping kids get healthy? helped clarify some of my thoughts about its next iteration. I hope you’ll stick around! In the meantime, I invite you to read more from me here and in my monthly newsletter, Busy. Happy. Healthy.™ – Wellness Tips for Busy People. Be well. 🙂 -Lara