With fall comes lots of change – it’s inevitable. Calendars fill up. New projects begin. And the stress of juggling it all kicks in…big time.

Does your autumn energy start out strong only to drain right out of your body as you keep up with all of your commitments? I don’t know about you, but I always need a vacation right around – ohhhh – late September. 😉

There’s nothing worse than feeling excited about a new fall project only to get knocked out when a cold – or just plain exhaustion – takes you down.

With a little planning and proactive self care, transitioning from a lazy summer into a high octane fall can feel exhilarating instead of energy-sapping. Here are a few things you can do to stay on top of your game as summer becomes fall:

  • Get some sleep. With lazy summer mornings a thing of the past, a consistent sleep schedule moves to the top of the priority list. Make an effort to get to bed at the same time every night and wake up around the same time every morning, even on the weekends if you can. Your “body clock” may need a reset to make sleep as restful as possible. And you need all the rest you can get to tackle your fall projects!
  • Get organized. Are you a procrastinator or a planner? Regardless of your natural time management tendencies, prioritizing what’s most important is the key to making stuff happen. Try this exercise for a week or two and tell me if it doesn’t make you more productive: Identify your top three tasks for each day. That’s it – THREE. Focus on getting those three things done; if other stuff gets done on the back end, great. If not, you still win. (It works!)
  • Breathe. For focus, stress management, and feeling energized, conscious breathing can’t be beat. Try this relaxing breath exercise when you feel tension creep into your shoulders. Or just take a moment to INHALE (all the way…keep going…fill your lungs) – and – EXHALE (all the way…keep going…push all the air out). Oxygen is your friend.
  • Plan your meals. Make time for meal planning! I know you’re busy, but a refrigerator stocked with healthy options instead of take out containers is 100% likely to keep you feeling energized. It’s worth the time, I promise.
  • Set a fitness goal. There’s nothing like a specific training goal to keep you energized and motivated to exercise. Sign up for a fall 5K. Or join a bootcamp class.
  • Try a fall superfood. Pumpkin seeds, apples, and brussels sprouts are just a few of the fall “superfoods” popping up in markets very soon. Packed with fiber, healthy fats, and vitamins too numerous to count, these energy-boosting foods will maximize your drive without adding to your waistline. Throw some pumpkin seeds in a salad or have a handful as a snack. Slather apple slices with some nut butter for breakfast. Try my Maple Thyme Brussels Sprouts for a sweet and savory dinner side dish.

Here’s to your most productive and exciting fall yet!

P.S. 6 Weeks To Effortless Eating And Ultimate Self Care starts in LESS THAN THREE WEEKS! Are you in? (Check out the new payment plan option too.)