How are you feeling this week? Have you been taking care of yourself? Do I sound like your mom? 😉

Seriously, though. I worry about you…especially if you’ve been looking to me for advice lately.

Because I got a cold last week…right after I bragged to my boyfriend that I rarely get sick. And if you want to be sick for the holidays, I can totally hook you up with a surefire way to make that happen.

Read on.

  • Go to bed later and later each night. Lack of sleep does wonders for your immune system, making your body a particularly attractive location for a cold virus holiday party. Oh, and did I mention what sleep deprivation does for weight management? When we’re tired, hormones that regulate appetite increase, making us ravenous; and, to make matters worse, our bodies consume 20% fewer calories the day after a night of less-than-optimal sleep. AWESOME way to get a head start on your holiday weight gain goals!
  • Don’t plan your meals, go to the grocery store, or cook…ever. Instead, scavenge your meals from a combination of random leftovers and restaurants, eating only the things that you know won’t keep you satisfied or feeling your best. I especially recommend lots of sugar and caffeine (and minimal dark leafy greens and other veggies).
  • Work for at least 12 hours every day. This is very important. You MUST resist the urge to stop work at a reasonable hour. Feeling a little sleepy? Have some coffee. Eyes having a hard time focusing? Put on your glasses. Aching back? Sit up straight, for pete’s sake! But do NOT, under any circumstances, stop and take a break.
  • Ignore your body’s cries for help, like when you skip your 7am cycling class for the first time ever, wondering why you just can’t get out of bed. Or when you notice that your shoulder is aching and making a funny clicking noise just like it did a few years ago when your stress level was through the roof and your muscles were tighter than a rubber band holding a stack of overstuffed holiday packages. Just keep moving…you’ll be fine.

Okay…back to reality. May I suggest that, just this once, you do as I say, not as I do (there’s your mom again) and SLOW IT DOWN a little for the next couple of weeks? Or if that’s just not possible, at least give yourself little breaks when you can slip them in. Get enough sleep. Eat as well as you can. And, most importantly, listen to your body. It’s the best “health coach” out there.

P.S. Free video tips + a sneak peek of the January cycle of 6 Weeks to Effortless Eating & Ultimate Self Care begin on Monday! Are you on the list?
