You’ve probably heard me say this before, but it’s worth repeating…

If you want to stay in control of how you feel and what you eat, NEVER leave home without a healthy snack in your bag. Especially during the holidays.

Sorry if that sounds bossy (I’m a little bossy sometimes ;), but I promise you’ll thank me later.

And because knowing what snacks to bring is almost as tough as figuring out what to make for dinner, I have some ideas for you. (A lot of them, actually. I heart healthy snacks.)

These healthy + portable snacks will keep you in control of your food choices, even when you’re on holiday party and travel overload.

  1. Fruit and nut bar (My favorites are Larabar, Kit’s Organic Fruit & Nut Bar, and KIND Bar)
  2. Dates stuffed with almond butter
  3. Whole fruit (Apples and bananas are portable and not too messy.)
  4. Nut butter packets from Justin’s Nut Butter
  5. Homemade trail mix (Try dried cranberries + roasted almonds + pumpkin seeds + dark chocolate chips.)
  6. Baked oatmeal squares
  7. Roasted nuts (Trader Joe’s even sells them in single-serving packets.)
  8. Carrot or celery sticks + hummus (in a tiny plastic container for easy dipping)
  9. Edamame with sea salt
  10. Plain or light popcorn (Try popping it with coconut oil…so yummy!)
  11. Apple slices + peanut butter
  12. Greek yogurt + honey (I like Fage’s 2% Yogurt with honey in the single-serving size.)
  13. Kale chips
  14. Baked polenta squares
  15. Homemade sweet potato fries
  16. Avocado slices with salt and pepper
  17. Olives
  18. Toasted Ezekiel Sprouted Grain bread + nut butter or avocado
  19. Dried fruit (Look for no sugar added varieties.)
  20. Brown rice cakes + nut butter packets to spread on top
  21. Pickles
  22. Steamed veggies with sea salt
  23. Applegate organic turkey slices wrapped around a small piece of organic cheese or pickle slices
  24. Roasted pumpkin seeds (You can use my recipe for Spiced Pumpkin Seeds if you like.)
  25. Leftover whole grain pancake with almond butter on top

What’s your go-to healthy snack? Share your ideas for portable, healthy snacks in the comments.
