I’ve noticed something in my conversations with people about their health…

It’s really easy to default to “good enough” when it comes to the way we feel every day.

“Yeah, my stomach is upset a lot and it keeps me from going out to dinner or other social events with my friends and family, but that’s okay. It could be worse.”

“When I travel, I’m constantly worried about what I’ll eat. It’s kind of exhausting and keeps me from enjoying my vacation – but that’s okay. I’ll just deal with it.”

“I have wicked sugar cravings pretty much all day long, and it’s a total drag because I’m tired all the time from the sugar crashes after I eat a bag of cookies…but that’s okay. I’ll just take more naps.”

Look… I get it. I’ve done the same thing many times in my life. My most recent “good enough” moment: “Yeah, my back hurts every day – it’s so stiff sometimes that I move like I’m 100 years old (I’m only 41) – but what can I do? I’ll just deal with it.”

Whatever your particular challenge with the way you feel, I’m here to tell you that it CAN be better.

Not only that, but you deserve to feel amazing every…freakin’…day. (Seriously.)

It’s YOUR time, don’t you think? (I do.)

Here’s how to stop living in “good enough”…and start living in amazing.

1. Ask yourself:

“Do I really want to live this way for the rest of my life?”. I mean, think about it…life expectancy rates keep rising. If you’re in your 40s or 50s, you could live for another 40 OR 50 YEARS. That’s a long ass time to feel just “good enough.” I mean, yes, we all have bad days; but when bad days become the norm, it’s time to take control.

2. Decide to feel as amazing as you can.

This is the key. You have to actually decide that you’re tired of feeling tired, over feeling uncomfortable in your body, done with never knowing what to eat and when to eat it, sick of struggling with your weight. You get the idea. I woke up one morning about a month ago, struggled to get out of bed because my back was so stiff and painful – as I’d done every day for the past few months – and thought “ENOUGH! I’m only 41. It should not be this hard for me to move!” Less than two weeks later, I’d met with my physical therapist twice, started doing what he told me to do (which I don’t always do), and felt 100 times better. (I call my PT “The Body Whisperer”…he works magic so fast you can’t believe it.) All it took was a decision to take control and…

3. Ask for support.

Yep. That’s the next, really important part (and often, the hardest part, especially for strong and capable women). You gotta know what you don’t know and ask for support from someone who does. Whether it’s a physical therapist, a doctor, an acupuncturist, a naturopath, or a health coach, there’s nothing more “magical” than asking someone else to take an unbiased look at what’s going on for you…and set you on the path to feeling amazing again. If you’re like me, you get in your own way all the time by thinking “I’ll just do it myself.” I mean, seriously…I’m a health coach. I take really good care of my body. Why can’t I fix my own aches and pains?! Um, because I tried that. Didn’t work. My PT fixed it in two weeks. Just sayin’.

Now it’s your turn…

Tell me in the comments: What about your health or your body is just “good enough” right now? Where could you use some support to make it feel better?
