A friend of mine recently shared an ad campaign from Organic Valley (the organic food company who makes yogurt, milk, butter, eggs and snacks). The campaign is called “Organic Balance: Real Morning Report.”

And it’s all about what “real” women have time for in the morning – as compared to the perfectly coiffed, well-rested, and glowing women we see wake up in television and film.

In it, you see the mythical film and television beauties doing yoga in their underwear, journaling in their “journaling nook,” and calmly eating a healthy, farm fresh breakfast as they rise with the sun.

Then you see “real,” frantic women racing and bumbling around as they get out of bed and get ready for their days. The voiceover tells us that…

  • 33% of “real” women never make their beds
  • 21% check their work email before even getting out of bed in the morning
  • 58% swear at someone or something each morning

And 9% think dry shampoo is the greatest invention of the 21st century. (I totally agree with that one, by the way.)

Watch it when you have a chance. You’ll get a giggle. And probably recognize yourself in the frazzled and frantic women in the ad.

(Like me one morning last week. I was running late and put on a dress that is ALWAYS static-y. I couldn’t find the Static Guard; and I raced around for at least 5 minutes looking for it… which included two trips up a ladder to my storage loft – the second time because the Static Guard wasn’t where I expected it to be the first time. But it was, in fact, in the loft – not in the bathroom vanity drawer – where I looked after I came up empty handed after my first trip up to the loft. Can you say FRANTIC?! I’m lucky I didn’t fall off the ladder!) 😉

Here’s what kills me:

Women ARE busy. We DO sometimes run around like chickens with our heads cut off in the mornings (as evidenced by my adventures in the loft last week), trying to get dressed, feed ourselves, feed our families, and get out the door to the office.

And while Organic Valley’s ad is good for a giggle, it perpetuates the grab-and-go, “exhaustion and busy-ness as a status symbol” culture that’s making us all so unhealthy.

The “organic breakfast in a bottle” touted in the ad is NOT a real breakfast – and it isn’t any quicker than other whole foods options. (Click here for some quick breakfast options made from real food. And keep reading for another quick breakfast idea.)

And telling us to “seize the cray.” Really?

As if the Super Woman epidemic I wrote about a few weeks ago isn’t enough. Now we’re being told that crazy mornings where we chug a fake breakfast in the car are not only normal, but something to embrace?

I think it’s time for a new story – one NOT created by an advertising agency.

The truth is that making time for self care – or allowing life to be utter chaos – is a CHOICE.

YOU have the power to make space for a healthy breakfast, yoga, running, meditation, journaling, whatever YOU deem a priority. It doesn’t have to take hours. 10 minutes a day is all you need, for any of those things.

And I’m sorry – if you tell me you can’t find 10 minutes in your day, I’ll ask you “What are you committed to?”.

Because we ALL have 10 minutes in our day if we make it – whether you have 4 kids, 3 dogs, a husband, and a guinea pig; or a demanding boss, a full client roster, a needy staff, and a business to lead (or all of the above).

You can CHOOSE the “organic breakfast in a bottle”…

…or you can choose to put some whole oats, almond milk, a handful of nuts, a smidge of maple syrup, and some fruit in a mason jar, stick it in the fridge before bed, and have a ready-made, REAL breakfast the next morning. (Keep reading for my Lemon Coconut Soaked Oats recipe.)

You can CHOOSE to skip the yoga class you’ve been meaning to take…

…or you can choose to find a yoga buddy to hold you accountable for down-dogging beside her at class twice a week.

You can CHOOSE to talk about how curious you are about meditation and how you know it would help you be more effective, centered, and productive…

…or you can choose to carve out 10 minutes (or even 5) each morning to sit quietly, focus on your breath, and give meditation a try.

If you’re reading my emails or blogs, I know this about you:

You’re smart, successful, and capable.

Don’t let Organic Valley – or anyone else – normalize a frazzled and chaotic existence. You deserve better.

And you can have it, when you CHOOSE it.

Now, I get that I’m over simplifying a bit. I know your life can feel out of control sometimes – mine does too.

I also know that you have it within you to be the most vibrant, alive, centered, and healthy version of yourself.

All it takes is one, simple choice. And then another. And then another.

You’d be amazed at how quickly it all adds up.

[ctt title=”To be your most vibrant and healthy self, make one simple choice.” tweet=”To be your most vibrant and healthy self, make one simple choice. via @laradalch http://ctt.ec/21518+ ” coverup=”21518″]

Let’s start with breakfast. That oats in a mason jar thing I mentioned a minute ago? Best. Thing. Ever.

Tonight, before you go to bed, try making this yummy “soaked oats” recipe. Or make up your own combo with your favorite nuts, seeds, and fruit.

Lemon Coconut Soaked Oats
Serves 1. Prep Time: 5 minutes.

1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds (toasted)
2 tablespoons unsweetened coconut flakes (toasted)
1/4 cup whole oats
Pinch of salt
2 teaspoons maple syrup
1/2 cup almond milk
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/4 cup fresh blueberries (optional)

Put all ingredients, except the blueberries, in a mason jar or other small container with a lid. Stir, put in the refrigerator, and allow to soak overnight. Wake up in the morning, add the blueberries – breakfast is ready!

So what’s your choice?

Will you accept your chaotic mornings and allow them to set the tone for the rest of your day, sap your energy, and force you to eat crappy food that causes belly bloat and weight gain?

OR… will you choose to have a saner, calmer, healthier morning by making breakfast the night before?

Or by getting up 10 minutes earlier to do a little yoga.

Or by taking a few minutes for yourself first thing to jot down in your journal what you want from your day? (Hide in the bathroom if you have to. I won’t tell.) 🙂

Or by enjoying a cup of coffee and the newspaper for a few minutes before you race out the door.

I know it’s not always easy to plan ahead and make the choices that allow for a calmer morning and a healthier, more vibrant, more effective you. But I believe in you! 🙂

If you’re feeling like the women in the Organic Valley ad – exhausted, overwhelmed, and frazzled – and frustrated with yourself for not taking steps to improve your health and well being, I’m also here to help.

And if you’d like me to guide you, step-by-step, so that you ALWAYS know exactly what to focus on to look and feel your best and how to fit it into your busy day, then I invite you to take a look at my exclusive coaching programs.

Have a beautiful week! And let me know what you think of the soaked oats. 🙂
