Don’t you just love that little voice in your head?

The one that tells you “It’s too hard, don’t even try.”

“Who are YOU to want to be healthy/ skinny/ successful/ adored/ brilliant/ flexible/ strong?”

“You’re totally fine the way you are. Just be happy.” (Well, that one’s kinda true…but I digress.)

That voice is full of crap most of the time. 

But I also believe that it’s there for a reason, that the voice (i.e., fear) is sometimes our mind and body’s way of keeping us safe.

The trick, of course – especially when it’s spring and you have lofty goals for getting fit and feeling amazing by summer – is to know which of the things that little voice says are truths and which are BIG. FAT. LIES.

Here are the three biggest lies we tell ourselves about getting healthy. 

If you can get past these (I’ll give you some hints), you’ll be on your way to your healthiest, most amazing summer yet…and you can tell that little voice in your head to take a sabbatical. 😉

1. It will take FOREVER to see results! 

That’s true…if you focus on losing 25 pounds or having arms like Madonna (or is Michelle Obama the benchmark now?). Those things are great and perfectly reasonable goals, but they take a little longer. If you focus instead on the things that happen fast when you start taking better care of yourself – like more energy, better sleep, increased focus, reduced sugar cravings – you’ll stay motivated and keep going until you get to your other goals. Just “reframe” a little, as we’re fond of saying in the personal development world. 😉 It really does make a difference.

2. I can do it myself. 

Well, sure…I have no doubt that you could; but I know from experience – both personal and professional – that “going it alone” for too long when you’re trying to reach any major milestone in your life is a surefire way to burn out fast. (In fact, it’s one of the biggest motivation killers out there.) No matter where you are in your health journey, believing that you can go it alone will limit your success. Find a workout buddy. Hire a health coach or a personal trainer. Join a running group. (I’m a big fan and alumna of Team In Training. They’re pros at training runners of all levels, and for a good cause to boot.) Anyone who will help you see your path more clearly, hold you accountable, and cheer you on will do the trick.

3. It’s hard. 

Stuff always seems hard at the beginning…that’s just life. But here’s the thing: The really hard part about being healthier is deciding that you want to be healthy…and WHY. Get clear on your “why” first – I want to have more energy to play with my kids. I want to feel better and more attractive in my favorite dress. I want to rock my new suit so I feel confident asking for a promotion at work or landing that new client. – whatever it is. (And no, it’s not “Because I want to lose weight.” WHY do you want to lose weight? How do you want to FEEL when you do?) Then, build a framework to help support your decision to be healthier, and voila!…all of a sudden, being healthy feels effortless, even though it’s clearly not 100% without effort. (My coaching programs can help you build that framework, by the way. 🙂 

Tell me in the comments: Which of these lies do you find yourself believing most often? And what can you do this week to start “reframing” your health journey? 
