Don’t you love when you see “March or April” on your calendar? It gives me a burst of optimistic energy – even though I know there are many cold weeks left between now and Summer. (At least in Seattle, where spring weather is indistinguishable from winter.)

Days get longer. Temperatures get (a bit) warmer. Challenges seem more surmountable.

And yet…

I get stuck in my head sometimes. Spinning around up there, wondering what to do next to reach my goals – which at the moment include getting back into regular exercise after a couple of months of winter laissez faire-ness (yes, I just made up a word).

I have thoughts like “I’m too tired.” or “I didn’t work out yesterday, so who cares if I work out today? I’ll be too sore and out of breath, anyway.”

And my goals for my business. They bring up lovely, self-defeating thoughts like…

“There are so many things I COULD do. But what SHOULD I do?!”

“That thing I want feels SO. FAR. OUT. OF. REACH! Coming up with a plan and achievable goals is too daunting. Forget it.”

I don’t know about you, but – when I step back and watch myself spin like a top 😉 – I see two issues here:

  1. I’m making sh*t up (and believing it). Limiting beliefs. Self-sabotaging thoughts. Excuses. Whatever you call them, they have the same effect: I continue to do nothing.
  2. I don’t have a plan. So I stay in a state of overwhelm and inertia.

Can you relate?

I bet you can, ’cause I know you. You’re a go-getter too. And a leeeetttttle bit of a perfectionist, no?

You might THINK you’re just being lazy, but guess what? You’re not.

You simply have a self-sabotage/overwhelm problem. (Pro tip: Most of us do when it comes to doing things that feel hard.)

Let’s fix it and get you back into action, shall we?

STEP ONE: Question your beliefs (and get out of your own way)

I was reminded a couple of weeks ago – at a conference dedicated to mindfulness – about the work of a woman named Byron Katie.

If you’ve heard of Byron Katie, you know that her work is called, well, “The Work.” At its core, The Work is a series of four questions. A thought experiment, if you will. Those questions are…

  1. Is it true?
  2. Can you absolutely know that it’s true?
  3. How do you react, what happens, when you believe that thought?
  4. Who would you be without the thought?

(It’s that last one that’s always the zinger for me. “Who would you be WITHOUT that thought?” Ahhh… feels sooooo good to let go of a thought sometimes!)

Let’s try it on my belief “My goals for my business are so far out of reach that it’s not worth even trying.”

Is it true?

Nope. It’s absolutely untrue, in fact. (So we’ll skip to question #3, as Katie advises when the answer to #1 is “no.”)

How do you react, what happens, when you believe that thought?

I worry and fret a lot. I judge myself for not being where I want to be and not doing anything about it (which is also not true). And then I continue not to do anything because, well, I don’t know what to do! And I suck, anyway, right? So why bother? (Ugh. See what believing that thought can do? Yikes!)

Who would you be without the thought?

I’d be a rockstar (or at least taking action every day)! I’d make a plan and start moving through it step by step, with absolute faith that I could get the job done. I’d reach out to people I knew could help me and ask for their help. I’d measure my results and course correct when necessary. And I would REACH MY GOALS!

Your turn.

What’s one thought or belief you have right now about your goals to feel like your healthiest, most confident self?

Write it down. I’ll wait.

Okay, now, ask yourself the four questions and jot down your answers.

Is it true?
Can you absolutely know that it’s true?
How do you react, what happens, when you believe that thought?
Who would you be without the thought?

Got it? Feel better? (If not, email me back to tell me what came up. Maybe I can help!)

Okay, let’s move on to…

STEP TWO: Making a plan and setting achievable goals

You know you’d feel better and do more in your life and career if you got a handle on eating better, exercising more, getting more sleep, and taking better care of yourself in general. You know you’re getting in your own way somehow (see above for one possibility) and that setting goals and getting out of overwhelm would help.

You might even have a beautiful vision for the life and body that you really want, but you don’t feel like you have the tools to make it happen.

And you can’t seem to set ACHIEVABLE goals (you’re wired that way… you’re an overachiever) or create a concrete plan around those goals. It can seem really daunting to come up with a plan when your goals feel so far off!

That’s exactly why I created Kickstart Sessions.

Because you value simple, concise recommendations and taking action. You’re the kind of person who uses your new perspective to make immediate change in your life. You’re pretty good at making stuff happen in your life once you have a plan.

Let me create a clear, efficient, and EFFECTIVE plan for you to get out of your own way, out of overwhelm, and back into action. (We might even tap into Byron Katie’s “The Work” wisdom again!)

So you can feel your best and do all you’re meant for in life. (This year. You’ve still got plenty of time to seize the year!) 🙂

Because even if you’re a “I can do it myself” kind of gal, sometimes you need an outside perspective, a sounding board, and a plan to get unstuck and begin moving towards your most vibrant, powerful you again.

Click here to schedule your Kickstart Session.
