I have a fun experiment for you. 🙂

Is today a “cheat day”?

I’m guessing not if it’s not a weekend, since cheat days usually happen on weekends – but you know what I mean, right?

Any of us who grew up in a dieting culture probably know about cheat days. But if you don’t, here’s what I mean:

A cheat day is that magical day when you can eat anything you want, even if you’re on a diet.

It’s a strategy advocated by many “experts,” even a few who I respect.

Here’s the problem with cheat days:

They imply that some foods are forbidden.

And guess what? If something is forbidden, YOU. WANT. IT. MORE!

The tension between “I can’t have this” and “but I WANT this” sets you up for failure. Because – as I’m fond of reminding my clients – willpower is a finite resource; the more you lean on it, the faster it runs out.

For the next six days, I’d love for you to try a little experiment:

1) Grab a journal or a piece of paper.

Jot down your top 2-3 most tempting “forbidden foods.” The things you crave A LOT (especially when you’re tired or stressed out), but that you think aren’t so good for you. “Forbidden foods” for a lot of my clients include pizza, chips, pasta, french fries, cookies, chocolate, and ice cream. You get the idea.

Today and on each day of the experiment, make note of the intensity of your cravings for those forbidden foods on a scale of 1-5 (5 being the most intense/uncontrollable). Also, write down anything you notice about your mood. Are you tired? Stressed out? Bored? Cranky? Happy? Angry? Again, you get the idea.

2) Tell yourself that no food is off limits. You can eat anything you want.

That’s right. ANYTHING.

I’m totally serious. If you want it, eat it. Period.

3) I also want you to add in one healthy food each day.

Here are a few suggestions:

  • Day 1: 1 serving of dark leafy greens
  • Day 2: 1 serving of dark leafy greens + an extra glass of water (first thing in the morning is good)
  • Day 3: 1 serving of dark leafy greens + an extra glass of water + 1 serving of a whole grain you’ve never tried or haven’t had in a while (here are a few suggestions)
  • Day 4: All of the above + an orange vegetable (carrots and sweet potatoes are my faves)
  • Day 5: All of the above + a blue or purple food (blueberries or blackberries, for example)
  • Day 6: All of the above + a new kind of protein you’ve never tried or haven’t had in a while. If you eat a lot of meat, I encourage you to try a plant protein like beans or lentils. If you eat mostly vegetarian, I encourage you to try a little bit of animal protein (like eggs or chicken) â€“ but only if you’re cool with that, of course. (If eating animal protein isn’t in alignment with your values, then just try a new kind of plant protein.)

That’s it. Eat anything you want AND add in one new healthy food a day.

Tell me in the comments what you noticed about your cravings for your forbidden foods. I have a hunch I know, but I’d rather hear it from you. 🙂

If tuning into your body in this way is new to you, it may take a few rounds of experimenting for you to notice anything. That’s okay! Keep at it. Experiments like this are key to uncovering your very own “health playbook.”

So congratulations! You’ve just taken your first step. 🙂

P.S. If you’d like to discover the rest of your personal health playbook – the secrets to feeling like your healthiest, most confident, most powerful self every day â€“ apply for your spot in my Vibrant Health Playbook program.
