Do you ever feel like your health and weight loss goals aren’t going the way you planned? You’re not losing weight as fast or as much as you’d like. You can’t seem to eat healthy food no matter how hard you try. You’re more exhausted now than when you started.

Check these 6 signs that you might be sabotaging your own success. Do any of them sound familiar?

  1. You beat yourself up for your “failures” and don’t even notice when something’s going well.
  2. Your workouts aren’t on your calendar.
  3. Your pantry is bare and “meal planning” isn’t even in your vocabulary.
  4. You inhale your food in 10 seconds at every meal.
  5. You don’t have regular downtime in your schedule.
  6. You’re so stressed out that you’ve forgotten how to breathe.

In today’s post, I share ideas for how to address all of the “6 signs.” (Not exactly an apocalypse, but self-sabotage is serious business, don’t you think?)

Pick one to try this week. (Tell me which one in the comments.) And remember that tiny adjustments make for big – and lasting – changes.

Most important of all, be good to yourself! I think you’re pretty awesome. 🙂

P.S. Less than TWO WEEKS to 6 Weeks To Effortless Eating And Ultimate Self Care! Don’t miss your chance to be IN CONTROL of your food choices all fall – and into the full-of-temptations holiday season.