How is it the end of July already?! I was looking back at blog posts and videos from the last year or so and thought it’d be fun to make a list of the ones you liked the most…based on comments, emails you sent, and my amazing power of intuition. 😉 Follow...
It’s mid-July and I’m finally settling into the rhythm of summer (which actually came in June this year, a fluke by Seattle weather standards). I’m a regular at the Sunday farmers market. (In next week’s video post, I’ll take you to the...
Summer is vacation and travel season for a lot of us. But instead of looking forward to your vacation, you’re thinking “I’ve been eating so well, exercising, taking care of myself…and I’m just beginning to feel better and see results. How am I...
How’d you sleep last night? If you’re trying to lose weight – or maintain a healthy weight – it’s a more important question than you might think…so important, in fact, that I ask my private clients about sleep every time we meet....
I’ve always believed – even before I knew I believed it – that true health is about much more than what you put in your mouth and how you move your body. That stuff is so, so important; but if everything else in your life is falling apart (or even...
Happy Spring from New York City! This is one of my favorite times in the city. Central Park is in full bloom. And going for a run along the Hudson is no longer a fight to the death with the wind. (If you’ve ever run or biked on the west side of Manhattan in the...
Christina Wallace is a self-described human Venn diagram with a career at the intersection of business, technology, and the arts. How to lean into your own portfolio life.