Embracing an Unexpected Life with Kendall Griffin

Embracing an Unexpected Life with Kendall Griffin

“I thought from a young age that I was going to live a life a little unexpected. I never thought I was going to have the ‘traditional life’ that we as women [picture in our head] when we’re 25, 30, 35 years old.” –Kendall Griffin Kendall Griffin was a successful New...
Why Having All the Answers is Overrated with Rebekah Bastian

Why Having All the Answers is Overrated with Rebekah Bastian

“As humans, [we think we’re supposed to have an answer for questions like] ‘what do you want to be when you grow up?’ or “do you want to get married?.” They allude to the idea that wherever you’re going, you’re supposed to get there flawlessly…And when that’s not the...
Writing Your Own Story with Glynnis MacNicol

Writing Your Own Story with Glynnis MacNicol

“[I had this moment of realizing] that my life was not something I was just passing the time with until my real life started – my ‘real life’ being a partnership or a child. I had intentionally constructed the exact life I wanted, whether I’d been fully aware of it or...
Having Brave Conversations with Michaela Ayers

Having Brave Conversations with Michaela Ayers

“[When I started ‘Nourish’], I was thinking about what are the essential moments that we share that help us acknowledge the humanity in other people. And it’s food.”  –Michaela Ayers Michaela Ayers loves food. She is also a tireless advocate for inclusive cultures...