Have you asked your body “what’s up?” lately?

It speaks to you.

Are you listening?

Most people move through life completely out of touch with their body, their mood, their inner world.


I’m not even talking about “consciousness” in a big, existential way.

I’m talking about consciousness in the sense of “How do I feel today? Why do I feel that way? What can I do to change my state of mind (if it feels bad) or recreate this feeling (if it feels good)?”

You’re waaaaaayyyyyyy more powerful than you realize.  

You have enormous control over how you experience life.

And you have enormous control over how your body feels every day.

But you have to listen to it.

When you learn how to do that, you take full control of how you feel every day for the rest of your life.

You’ll never need another crazy diet or exercise program again.

You’ll just KNOW what you need, no matter what changes over time. (And it WILL change. What works today probably won’t work next year, or even tomorrow.)

[ctt title=”When you learn to listen to your body, you’ll never need a crazy diet program again.” tweet=”When you learn to listen to your body, you’ll never need a crazy diet program again. via @laradalch http://ctt.ec/e7AZR+” coverup=”e7AZR”]

The key is to stay curious, always asking “How do I feel when I do this?”.

What will happen if I eat this instead of that?

What’s my mood like when I eat this or move my body this way or sleep this long instead of that long?

What foods or behaviors boost my energy?

What foods or behaviors sap my energy?

When you approach your sense of well being and health like an engaging and life-long experiment, it suddenly becomes fun – instead of a chore.

You may not always get the answers you’d like, but at least you’ll know what you’re dealing with.

And you’ll be one step closer to feeling vibrant, alive, and full of energy. Every day.

I encourage you to begin asking yourself those questions and noticing “what’s going on in there.”

Leave a comment and tell me what you discovered.

P.S. If you’re worried about the way you eat and take care of yourself – but you’re WAY too busy to fix things – I’ve got you covered. I invite you to check out my coaching programs, custom-tailored for you and your busy life… and your fast track to feeling vibrant, inspired, and alive again.
