Vivian Lord: Self-Care is Like Riding a Bike

by | Jan 23, 2018 | Podcast

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“If I’m feeling good, if I’m taking care of myself, if I have the energy and clarity of mind, I’m in a better place to be the person that I not only want to be, but am meant to be.”

Whether because she lives in Denmark – where cycling is a way of life  – or because she’s an avid cyclist herself, Dr. Vivian Lord shares a powerful analogy between riding a bike and self-care. And riding this particular bike just might change the way you approach your health.

Vivian and I also talk about the importance of understanding your body as your hormones shift in midlife; why addressing stress now has a big payoff later (ie, during menopause); and how to prevent self-care from becoming just another item on your to-do list.

Vivian Lord helps women heal their bodies naturally, balance their hormones, and create optimal health for life. As a registered naturopathic doctor she earned her license after attending a 4-year comprehensive graduate program in naturopathic medicine. She combines a diverse clinical toolbox that includes herbal medicine, functional lab assessment, nutritional consulting, nutrient therapy, with ongoing coaching and support to help her clients make inspiring changes that stick.




  • The “big gap” in women’s knowledge about their bodies and why it’s so important to fill it
  • “Hormones 101” and a helpful way to view your hormonal health
  • What it might mean if you feel like you’ve “lost your mojo” (and what to do about it)
  • The power of a woman’s innate body wisdom and what to do if something feels “out of balance”
  • How conventional medicine and naturopathic medicine work together to help you find optimal health
  • The most important thing you can do in your 30s and 40s to feel better during menopause

Resources Mentioned in This Episode

Get Vivian’s free guide, “Balancing Your Hormones Naturally: 5 Things You Wish Your Doctor Had Told You”

Learn more about Lara’s Kickstart Sessions

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