I get this question a lot: “What’s ONE thing I can do to be healthier/lose weight/have more energy?”.

We all want a quick fix – a simple way to “make it all better.”

Most health professionals would tell you that there’s not one, magical thing. And they’d be right… sort of.

There IS one thing you can do that changes everything.

Make it a habit.

It may not be quick, but it is simple.

Women who maintain a healthy weight all have similar habits.

Habits run our lives anyway, whether we want them to our not; so we might as well cultivate the right ones.

According to studies, roughly half of the things we do – and choices we make – in a day are due to habit. That’s a CRAZY amount! (Read more about how to create new and break old habits in Jeremy Dean’s book Making Habits. Breaking Habits.)

So what are the “magical” habits of strong and slim women?

[ctt title=”Women who maintain a healthy weight always do these 8 things.” tweet=”Women who maintain a healthy weight always do these 8 things. via @laradalch http://ctt.ec/U2U3R+” coverup=”U2U3R”]

1. Plan meals

They keep their pantry stocked, and they plan ahead for most of their meals. They also eat in more than they eat out.

Because when YOU control what you eat instead of a restaurant, your weight stays where you want it to stay. (P.S. That doesn’t mean never eating out at your favorite restaurant! Make it the exception though, whenever you can.)

2. Follow a flexible diet

90/10 is my rule. 90% of the time, I eat the foods that I know will help me feel may best and keep my weight where it needs to be. The other 10% is for indulgence and fun.

Women who maintain a healthy weight understand that being flexible is key. Following a regimented diet just won’t do.

3. Manage stress

You don’t have to sit on a meditation cushion all day to maintain a healthy weight. But you DO have to pay attention to stress. And find ways to manage it. Stress hormones make us hungrier and less able to resist fatty, starchy, sugary foods.

Meditation is great. So is simple deep breathing. Or taking time out to have a cup of tea, or a bubble bath, or to read a good novel, or to do some yoga poses. Anything that helps YOU de-stress and reset. (Click here for stress busting tools you can use on-the-go.)

Women who maintain a healthy weight don’t let stress run the show.

4. Prioritize sleep

Ah, sleep. It’s true – the quality of your sleep has a serious impact on your weight AND your health. Get enough sleep; keep your weight where it needs to be (not to mention keep your heart happy).

5. Move their bodies regularly

You can’t get around this one, sorry. Movement and exercise is an important part of the lives of women who maintain a healthy weight.

And remember – you don’t have to run a marathon every day for it to “count.” If you hate exercise or are struggling to fit it into your schedule, read this.

6. Practice mindful eating

“Mindful eating” may sound a little out there, but all you have to do is slow down and ENJOY your food. That’s it.

Women who maintain a healthy weight don’t scarf down their lunch in 5 minutes. They also don’t read a book or work on their computer or watch TV while they eat. They focus on their food and eat without distractions. (Meal companions don’t count as “distractions.”) 😉

Try this: Before you sit down to eat – preferably at a table – close your eyes and take a deep breath. Notice how your food looks and smells. Then, with intention, begin eating. Chew every bite a little longer than feels normal. Focus on the experience of eating. It may feel odd at first, but it won’t for long.

And your body will have time to register when its full, so you can stop eating before you overdo it. For more tips on mindful eating, check out this great article from the NY Times.

7. Know their tipping point

Women who maintain a healthy weight take the time to tune into their bodies. They learn what it feels like to “reach the point of no return” with sugar or other indulgent foods. And they stop before they fall off the cliff.

For example, my great temptation is baked goods. Mostly the sweet kind. Cookies, brownies, muffins, scones, pancakes – I’d eat them all day, every day if I felt great doing it.

But I don’t. I feel sluggish and tired when I eat too much. Ick.

So I’ve learned how I feel just before I’m about to go too far – “too far” meaning the point at which I have zero control over my choices. When I reach that point, I dial it back. I make an effort for a few days/a week to step away from the baked goods and, voila, I no longer crave them.

8. Don’t obsess about the number on the scale.

Women who maintain a healthy weight keep an eye on their weight (I weigh myself about once a month, for example). AND they understand that the number on the scale is only one piece of information.

And that it’s actually NOT the most useful indicator of vibrant health. That comes from inside – how do they FEEL in their body? If they feel good and strong, the number doesn’t mean as much.


Creating new habits is a lot easier when you know which ones to create! These “high mileage” habits will help you manage your weight without obsessing about it.
