






Elephant Journal
town and country
Mind Body Green
balanced life
cal alumni
girl power hour
uni virginia

Fear: Be afraid. Do it anyway.

First of all, Happy New Year! I hope you had a raucous or relaxing celebration, whichever your heart desired. Either way, I'm sending you my biggest and most sincere wishes for an amazing 2013. I had a note on my calendar this week to write about fear; specifically,...

How to navigate the Christmas dessert table

Christmas is less than a week away. How many sugar, gingerbread, and iced-with-stars-and-sprinkles cookies have you had so far? And the chocolate…oh my god, the chocolate!! Don't know about you, but my sugar habit has kicked in big time the past couple of weeks. And...

Wanna get sick for the holidays? Do this.

How are you feeling this week? Have you been taking care of yourself? Do I sound like your mom? 😉 Seriously, though. I worry about you…especially if you've been looking to me for advice lately. Because I got a cold last week…right after I bragged to my boyfriend that...

Healthy holiday gifts: 10 things I love

Have you started your holiday shopping yet? Yeah, me either. But I'm good at making lists, so I thought I'd take a little pressure off and share a list of random - and generally "health supportive," since that's how I roll - things I love. Maybe you and your "giftees"...

How to make a party out of cooking for one

How often do you eat alone? If you live alone, it's probably quite a lot; but even if you live with other people, there are times when cooking for one becomes a necessity. I hear from my single friends and clients that they hate cooking for one. They hate it so much...

3 ways to tame the Halloween sugar ghouls

Sugar isn't as evil as you might think. Used in the right way, it might actually make you want less of it. Have you ever tried with every fiber of your being to avoid the Halloween candy bowl only to lose your resolve in the last few minutes of the battle? How many...

How to stock your pantry like a nutrition pro

Happy Wednesday! You've made it halfway through your day and halfway through your week. I have a question for you: What's in your pantry? Jot down your answer. I'll wait. Okay, now, another question: Have you been eating the way you'd like to eat this week? I'm...