I picked up a copy of Gwyneth Paltrow’s It’s All Good cookbook a few months after it was released last year and thought “Okay, Gwyneth. Show me what you got.” I wasn’t expecting much, but I have to admit that – after about six months of experimenting with it...
People always ask me how I manage to eat yummy and healthy food 90% of the time. (Okay, maybe it was more like 70% over the holidays. 😉 It’s not easy…unless you do this one thing: Keep. Stuff. In. Your. Pantry. I know, I know. It’s one of those things that sounds...
If you live in a cold place, winter can be tough on your body. Add the lingering effects of holiday busy-ness and overindulgence, and you’ve got a recipe for winter colds, fatigue, and general ickiness. The good news is…it’s easier to “reset” than you might think....
If you’ve been a reader for a while, you know I love sweets. What can I do? I was born this way. 😉 But I do have a few tricks to help me stay in control…so I can actually ENJOY the sweets I DO choose to eat around the holidays. (No guilt allowed.) If the holidays feel...
You’ve probably heard me say this before, but it’s worth repeating… If you want to stay in control of how you feel and what you eat, NEVER leave home without a healthy snack in your bag. Especially during the holidays. Sorry if that sounds bossy (I’m a little bossy...
If you’re anything like me, this time of year brings a roller coaster of healthy and not-so-healthy “binges.” You’re plugging along, eating well, exercising, getting enough sleep when…Thanksgiving hits. You take a breath. You pull things back together when…Christmas!...
Christina Wallace is a self-described human Venn diagram with a career at the intersection of business, technology, and the arts. How to lean into your own portfolio life.