Fuel your extraordinary life in 2015

Fuel your extraordinary life in 2015

I have a major confession to make. So major that I’ve been hiding it for a while because I was afraid of what you’d think when I told you. Ready? I really, really, REALLY hate talking about food, exercise, weight loss, food sensitivities, gluten-free, sugar-free,...
What to do when self sabotage gets in the way of change

What to do when self sabotage gets in the way of change

I’ve had this weird feeling the past few days…like something’s about to change. Like something’s ready to shift in my life, but I have no idea what. I thought I was imagining things until my friend Kathy – who is, like me, equal parts logic (she literally used...
3 lies we tell ourselves about being healthy

3 lies we tell ourselves about being healthy

Don’t you just love that little voice in your head? The one that tells you “It’s too hard, don’t even try.” “Who are YOU to want to be healthy/ skinny/ successful/ adored/ brilliant/ flexible/ strong?” “You’re totally fine the way you are. Just be happy.” (Well, that...
How eating effortlessly changed my life

How eating effortlessly changed my life

I get asked a lot why I do what I do…why I care that other people feel relaxed and happy about their food choices, instead of obsessed and stressed out. It’s a fair question. And the answer isn’t entirely altruistic. Like all good Type A achievers, I think...